2018 News archive
PRIME research in @ResearchWales magazine
14 December 2018
The fifth issue of the @ResearchWales magazine is now live, featuring the latest health and social care research news from across Wales including PRIME Centre Wales' focused news stories:
- 'The Welsh ‘code-breaker’ making our visits to the GP safer' - looking at how analysis of patient safety incident records is being used to improve patient safety in primary care in Wales and beyond, led by Andrew Carson-Stevens is (pages 16-17).
- 'PRIME & Swansea Centre for Health Economics helping to improve community care services' - looking at the evaluation of the community based pathfinder service for treating Wet Age Related Macular Degeneration (Wet AMD) in the community, led by Rachel North (page 5).
FoNS News: Why apply?
21 November 2018
FoNS Blog
This week Gemma Stacey and Anne Felton share their research and resources on shared decision-making and the ideal ward round in mental health. Please feel free to share these resources and they’d love to hear from you. Read more …
We are delighted to also publish Sharing is Caring – unravelling a journey, a shared vision and a blanket by Rachel Whittal-Williams, Hywel Dda University Health Board. Read more …
Teaching Care Homes
The TCH programme aims to grow a network of homes across England that demonstrate an ongoing commitment to the development of person-centred care and ways of working; engagement in learning, practice development and research; strong working relationships with academic and education providers; and a desire to be a resource for other care homes. This year, the focus of the programme will be on enhancing cross-system collaborations.
Why apply?
We’ve asked people who are currently involved and this is what they say:
- One Chief Executive commented how she had noticed that ‘all staff are now encouraged to take responsibility for quality improvements. The confidence and enthusiasm of participants is contagious.’
- TCH participant and home owner Ros said: ‘It gives dedicated time to reflect, dissect and develop new ideas which are real and can be a resource for other homes.’
- Karen, one of the home managers said: ‘I have been able to improve my communication with partners; demystify some people’s perception of what we do; help to influence others and raise the profile of nursing and the level of expertise in the social care sector.’
And the practicalities: this funded programme includes workshops of support and development, in-work support and mentorship, a bursary to pay for travel and expenses, the opportunity to network and share with other homes and the opportunity to work with FoNS.
Closing date 11 December 2018. Visit the website to apply.
IPDJ Focus
Person-centred care in the physiotherapeutic management of long-term conditions: a critical review of components, barriers and facilitators by Sharisse Dukhu, Cliona Purcell and Cathy Bulley
Professor Kim Manley CBE of Canterbury Christ Church University and East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
‘This is essential reading for anyone who needs to understand why being person-centred is so relevant to physiotherapy practice. It draws on a number of frameworks from across different healthcare professions. The focus is on analysing selected literature around person-centred practice and the concepts relevant to physiotherapy. This is thorough and rigorous with attention to detail. The associated commentary models supportive and enabling feedback about furthering the work commenced.’
Being person-centred in qualitative interviews: reflections on a process by Berit Margrethe Sandvik and Brendan McCormack
Shaun Cardiff of Fontys University of Applied Sciences: ‘As a qualitative researcher, how person-centred are you/can you be? This researcher learnt about engaging holistically, being reflexive and how letting go allows new insights to emerge for self and other through interviewing as a holistic and mutually respectful dialogue. You may have/can experience this, and now it’s been put into words.’
Developing the role of the Nursing Associate: Fourth National Conference, 28 January 2019, London
This conference will focus on understanding the elements of this new role and how the role will be delivered in practice. It will be chaired by FoNS CEO Theresa Shaw and includes sessions by Prof Lisa Bayliss-Pratt Chief Nurse Health Education England and trainee nursing associates, ensuring a variety of perspectives. Discounts available via the FoNS website.
PhD studentship open to applications:
This longitudinal, cross-Wales, multicentre case study will be looking at the 'what, when and how' to teach genomics to (mainstream) health professionals.
This studentship is funded by the EU through the Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarships (KESS).
The successful candidate will be looking at learning needs and preferences of NHS staff; approaches to education delivery and measuring changes in knowledge and attitudes. Wales and other countries are investing heavily to embed genomic healthcare within their health services and so this is a very timely study.
This PhD project would be suitable for anyone with an interest in (health) workforce development, education and training to apply.
The genomics education for NHS staff (that will occur alongside this PhD) will be delivered through Genomics Partnership Wales and so candidates do not need a background in genomics. The supervision team includes an educationalist and a psychologist.
Deadline for applications: 25 November 2018
Further information: https://www.findaphd.com/search/ProjectDetails.aspx?PJID=102366
PhD studentship open to applications:
Capturing understandings of, and responses to Loneliness: an iterative mixed method study with a focus on those from targeted ‘seldom heard’ minority population groups aged 70 years and over
University of South Wales
This study addresses the current paucity of loneliness research that focuses on older minority population groups.
Aim 1: Map social policy context.
Objective 1: Examination of survey data (e.g., UK Census data, National Survey for Wales) in order to provide a national picture of the sample population and key loneliness and social isolation variables, as linked to relevant social and public policy and practice priorities. Underpinned by a review of the research literature, an explanatory statistical framing for the survey work to be undertaken will also emerge from this work package.
Aim 2: Capture (i) understandings of loneliness, (ii) levels of agency and coping strategies, and (iii) pathways to, and preferred models of support. Two older population ‘umbrella’ groups will be targeted: (i) older migrant and minority population groups, and (ii) older people across all ethnic groups who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.
The successful applicant will attend the Doctoral Training Alliance Autumn and Summer Schools and have access to a bespoke ‘elective programme’ hosted across the alliance.
Deadline for applications: 30 November 2018
Further information: https://www.findaphd.com/search/ProjectDetails.aspx?PJID=99857
Evaluation of the ground-breaking Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014
14 November 2018
The Welsh Government has commissioned a partnership between leading academics across four universities in Wales and expert advisers to deliver the evaluation of the ground-breaking Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.
Professor Mark Llewellyn, Director of the Welsh Institute for Health and Social Care (WIHSC) at the University of South Wales (USW), will lead the team alongside Professor Fiona Verity, Director of the Wales School for Social Care Research. Dr Carolyn Wallace (pictured above), Reader in Integrated Care at University of South Wales and Lead for social acre research at PRIME Centre Wales is leading on the multiagency theme.
Colleagues from Swansea University, Bangor University and Cardiff University will also work as partners in the study, which is being supported by PRIME Centre Wales. Read more.
FoNS News: Inspire Improvement
31 October 2018
Inspire Improvement Fellowship
Who’s it for?
- Our experience has shown us that people with direct line-manager responsibility and direct care responsibility can be best placed to create caring and thriving workplace cultures, which means ward managers and similar roles in any health or social care setting anywhere in the UK.
- This programme is for frontline clinical leaders but isn’t a leadership/management course. It’s widely recognised that workplace culture is vital to care delivery and this programme helps you to work at that culture level in a proactive way. You will develop the skills to work with colleagues and people who receive care to create cultures which are open, positive and where improvement is valued and welcomed.
Why apply?
- This programme is highly recommended and is based on FoNS’ 30 years of working with nurses and nurse led teams.
- It supports you to develop and then enables you to develop others.
- It features a highly supportive combination of workshops and in-work support.
- The residential workshops are free and there’s a £3,000 bursary to pay for travel and time out of practice.
What’s stopping you?
- Don’t be put off how impressive the first cohort of Inspire Improvement Fellows are (they are pretty impressive). They are enthusiastic, thoughtful and committed individuals who want the best for colleagues and the people they care for. But they would be the first people to say that they are no different to most other nurses they know.
- The application process is very thorough and you do need the support of both your line manager and your director of nursing (or equivalent), but … Firstly, the application isn’t so daunting once you get going – tell us about your passions, your place of work and why you think the support offered by Inspire Improvement will help you. Secondly, there’s no getting away from the fact that you do need organisational support. Jo Odell, the Programme Lead, can help – email jo.odell@fons.org
- Perhaps you think you won’t get a place (it is a competitive application process)? That’s possible, but surely something this good is worth trying for?
For more information visit the FoNS website.
What we’re reading now: Nursing through the Years
A treasure chest of recollections of nurses from the 1940s to the 2000s, this unique book by Loretta Bellman and colleagues reveals the fascinating lives of nurses who trained and works at one London hospital. Read more …
FoNS Blog
This week Jo Odell talks about creating a culture for all to learn, grown and develop in, developing as individual learners and practitioners through facilitative leadership and song! Read more …
Teaching Care Homes Programme open for applications
Applications are welcome from care homes providing care to persons of all ages including those caring for people with learning disabilities, neurological conditions etc.
This year, the focus of the programme is on enhancing cross-system partnership working (e.g. care home/acute sector services; care home/university; care home/GP practice etc.). The partnerships should intend to develop and strengthen cross-system relationships by working together towards developing and achieving shared outcomes.
With the care home as lead applicant, each team of between 3 and 5 people will attend six workshop days, and in between, will benefit from one-to-one mentorship and on-site support. The programme also has a small bursary to support participants. Workshops run from April 2019 to March 2020.
For more information and to download the application, visit FoNS Teaching Care Homes. Closing date: 5pm, Tuesday 11th December 2018. This programme is only available in England.
To look at previous weekly news from FoNS, click on the link: https://www.fons.org/common-room/news
Launch of All Wales Social Prescribing Research Network (WSPRN) web page
30 October 2018
The All Wales Social Prescribing Research Network (WSPRN) have launched a new web page hosted by the Wales Council for Voluntary Action.
The aim of the network is to build the critical evidence for social prescribing in Wales. It is a research platform to support the three communities of practice in North, West and East Wales. It is primarily a virtual network with face-to-face events across Wales.
PRIME Centre Wales is proud to support WSPRN - Dr Carolyn Wallace, PRIME lead for Social Care collaboration and Reader in Integrated Care at the University of South Wales co-chairs the WSPRN Steering Group, with Judith Stone and Dr Sally Rees.
Keep up with the latest developments and get involved - visit the web page at: https://www.wcva.org.uk/what-we-do/the-social-services-and-wellbeing-(wales)-act-the-role-of-the-sector/wales-social-prescribing-research-network
Best poster at Health and Care Research Conference
29 October 2018
Congratulations to Victoria Shepherd, National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) doctoral research fellow at the Centre for Trials Research and PRIME Centre Wales, won the best poster award at the Health and Care Research Wales annual conference held 25th October.
Victoria's poster was entitled: ‘Research inequalities in health and social care: how can we address the exclusion of adults who lack capacity to consent?’
Commenting on the award, Victoria said: “I am delighted to have won the first ever best poster award at the Health and Care Research Wales conference.
“The poster presents some of the findings from my NIHR Fellowship funded by Health and Care Research Wales which is looking at research involving adults who lack capacity to consent. It is great to have this work recognised through this award.”
Taking second and joint-third place for best poster were:
- Second - Make a quack about your research, Cheryl Lee, Health and Care Research Wales
- Third - A changing identity: a focus group study of the experiences of women diagnosed with secondary breast cancer and their psychosocial support needs, Ceri Phelps, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
- Third - The unmet health and social care needs of older caregiver: a systematic review, Alisha Newman, Wales Cancer Research Centre
With over 330 of you in attendance at the SWALEC Stadium, Cardiff last week, the conference focused on the theme of future-proofing research in Wales with thought-provoking, interactive workshops and 35 speakers who discussed the role of Welsh research in shaping the treatment and care of the future. Read more.
PRIME Centre Wales Annual Report 2017-18
29 October 2018
Read about the latest research activities of PRIME Centre Wales - our annual report for 2017-18 is now available to view or download.
Call for papers - Journal of research in Nursing: Rural Health
October 2018
Focus Edition Guest Editors:
- Joyce Kenkre, Professor of Primary Care, University of South Wales
- John Wynn-Jones, Chair Wonca Working Party on Rural Practice (RuralWonca)
The Journal of Research in Nursing is a leading peer-reviewed journal that underpins good research with current policy and aims to publish research that will influence practice, policy and education.
Staying healthy in rural areas of the world presents enormous challenges despite the World Health Organisation’s aspiration that all people and communities will be able to use and afford the full range of health services they need. People living in rural and isolated areas find it difficult to achieve this because of, for example, inaccessibility, scant infrastructure and resources, political apathy, poverty and an inadequate healthcare workforce. If the WHO target of Universal Health Coverage is to be achieved more needs to be known about how to improve access to and the quality of healthcare for rural people. Improvement requires creativity and innovation and significant political and professional will, but it also requires that successful interventions are better disseminated and so more widely used. JRN is inviting authors to submit papers that show how rural health can be and is improved.
Papers can be research studies of any design, case-studies, evaluations or practice development initiatives and may address any of these issues:
- Improving the quality of healthcare and health, access and safety.
- Improving recruitment, deployment and retention of healthcare workers.
- Developing new multi-professional/worker, innovative models of care.
- Using technology.
- Demonstrating how policy-makers innovatively invest in healthcare.
- Demonstrating community-led initiatives that promote health and wellbeing.
As JRN’s mission is to contribute knowledge to nursing practice, research and local, national and international health and social policy, the contribution of the paper to, or implications for, both nursing practice and health and social care policy should be made explicit.
Authors interested in contributing to this edition of JRN should submit their papers by the end of November 2018.
Papers must be submitted on-line and adhere to the JRN manuscripts guidelines that can be accessed from the journal homepage: http://jrn.sagepub.com/
All papers will be peer reviewed. Accepted papers may be published Online first.
NB. Papers are restricted to a maximum of 5,000 words including references.
To view past issues of the journal please register for a free trial at: www.sagepub.co.uk/freetrial
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Social Prescribing: how to create a sustainable journey?
10 October 2018
Dr Carolyn Wallace, Judith Stone and Dr Sally Rees outline the advantages of a social prescriptive approach to solving individuals’ problems in the community, and ask how we might build appropriate assets to ensure its sustainability
Social Prescribing is a term which is growing in importance throughout our health and community services and within health and social care policy. It’s a term that few members of the public recognise; some reject it as the medicalisation of what should be a normal process of connecting people and for third sector organisations, it’s core business. Others are concerned that the systematic referral of ‘patients’ through social prescription models places pressure on community and neighbourhood resources, which may have a detrimental effect on volunteers and third sector organisations. Read full story.
Aspirin and the treatment of cancer
News item authored by Professor Peter Elwood
9 October 2018
Against a background of controversy about the value of aspirin as a preventive in healthy subjects, a rather different use of the drug has recently been highlighted.
Fifty years ago evidence suggestive of benefit from aspirin beyond the reduction of pain and fever, was reported. In two remarkable papers published in 1968 and 1973 Gabriel Gasic and colleagues described the role of platelets in the metastatic spread of cancer.
They showed that a deficiency of platelets is associated with a reduction in the risk of cancer, and that experimentally-induced metastasis are reduced by aspirin. They concluded that these findings ‘strongly support the role of platelet aggregation and the platelet release reaction in metastasis’. Read more.
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Person-centred care in care homes event 5th July - summary report and images from the day
24 August 2018
Following the 'Person-centred care in care homes - outcomes that matter' event held on 5th July, Victoria Shepherd has produced a summary report of the event, including the priority areas for moving forward that were identified on the day.
A further report from Scarlet Design containing photos from the day, and images of each group’s table sheets is now also available to download and view .
We have included links to some resources on person-centred care in care homes in our report, if you have links to other resources we would be very happy to share those too.
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MediWales Innovation Awards 2018 - applications are now open!
Date: 4 December 2018
Time: 18:00 - 23:50
Venue: National Museum of Wales, Cardiff
MediWales is delighted to announce applications are now open for their thirteenth annual awards competition. There are a range of different award categories, including the Research Excellence in the NHS Award, sponsored by Health and Care Research Wales. Read more, register and apply.
FoNS News: Last call for Sue Pembrey Leader Awards nominations
29 August 2018
Last call for Sue Pembrey Nurse Leader Award nominations
Do you know an exemplary nurse leader? Someone who:
- Has a clear vison for person centred practice
- Inspires and motivates staff
- Creates a trusting and caring environment
- Promotes workplace learning and innovation
- Role models and mentors staff
- Promotes and enhances the image of nursing
If you know someone who deserves recognition and would enjoy and benefit from working with FoNS and the other awarding supporters (Professor Angie Titchen, Professor Brendan McCormack, Professor Jan Dewing (Sue Pembrey Chair of Nursing) and Professor Steven Ersser) to develop further, then it’s time to visit the FoNS website for more detailed criteria and nomination form.
The deadline for this prestigious award is 5pm, 4th September 2018.
Self nominations also welcome.
Please think about who you might nominate
The Inspire Improvement Fellowship Programme
Calling Directors of Nursing and Matrons! Please share!
FoNS is looking to recruit frontline leaders to become FoNS Inspire Improvement Fellows. The fellows need to be in positions where they hold responsibility for both staff and care – so a ward manager, sister or similar in any care setting in the UK. The Inspire Improvement programme offers workshops, ongoing support/mentorship and a bursary to support the individual.
The focus of the programme is on the individual, who will develop skills and expertise in facilitative leadership and culture change, leading to changes in the workplace and a culture of on-going improvement.
There’s more information about the programme and application process on the FoNS website. Or you can follow this link for a short introductory video from the programme lead, Jo Odell.
Closing date 5th November 2018.?
Coming soon: new call for applications for the Teaching Care Homes Programme
In the autumn 2018, FoNS will be announcing a new call for applications for the Teaching Care Homes programme (open to all care homes in England). This year, the focus of the programme will be on enhancing cross-system partnership working (e.g. care home/acute sector services; care home/university; care home/GP practice etc.).
Visit the website for more information and email debbie.warren@fons.org if you want us to email the application pack to you directly.
Other News
Developing the role of the Nursing Associate, Monday 24 September 2018, London
This conference explores a range of perspectives on the nursing associate role, from a trainee through to updates from Health Education England and the NMC. Chaired by FoNS CEO Dr Theresa Shaw.
Discounts available via the FoNS website.
Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Travel Scholarships Nursing and Allied Professions
There’s still time to apply (closing date 18th September) for a travel scholarship. WCMT are seeking applications for projects that develop the role and contribution of nurses and AHPs in the delivery and leadership of an effective healthcare system in the UK, putting patients first and making best use of available resources. Visit the website for more information.
Hospice UK Awards 2018
Awards are made in a number of key areas. Hospice UK are looking for stand out projects that will inspire other hospices and palliative care organisations, and show the world why they are such innovative organisations. Visit the website for more information. Closing date 14th September.
To look at previous weekly news from FoNS, click on the link: https://www.fons.org/common-room/news
ADRe study findings into practice and improved care update
30 July 2018
Adverse drug reactions (known as ADRs) can occur both in the home, and within the healthcare setting, when combinations of medications produce unexpected side effects. Unfortunately this means that in the most serious cases fatalities can occur. However ADRe has helped all service users by addressing life-threatening problems, reducing pain or improving quality of life.
With preventable ADRs responsible for 5-8% unplanned hospital admissions in the UK, and costing the NHS up to £2.5bn pa, it is crucial that healthcare organisations take advantage of tools which can help improve how medicines are managed. ADRe has been developed with the aid of nursing professionals to help nursing staff take a structured approach to the monitoring of medicines, identifying any ADRs service users may be experiencing, and then making changes to improve a patients' health and wellbeing.
The ADRe study - Adverse Drug Reaction profile to address this. Finding from the study were included in the Welsh Government report: 'Use of Antipsychotic medication in care homes' (p.23) referred to at the Senedd on 11th July 2018 by two parties. The report has attached short timelines (6-12 months) to most of its recommendations.
Professor Sue Jordan at Swansea University who led the study said:
"ADRe has been validated and tested, so we believe that ADRe can be quickly and easily incorporated into existing care homes procedures and monitoring systems to meet the recommendations of the Report.We would like to express our thanks to everyone who took part in the study including the our European survey."
Further information about the study can be found at: http://www.swansea.ac.uk/adre/
Full evidence and Welsh Government response: http://senedd.assembly.wales/mgIssueHistoryHome.aspx?IId=17249 and the debate: http://record.assembly.wales/Plenary/4999#A44823 (starts p.90 & we are on pp. 93 (307), 106 (356), 112 (382).
Health and Care Research Wales conference 2018:
Call for presentation and poster abstracts
Opening date for submissions: 5 July 2018
Closing date: 28 August 2018
We are currently inviting submissions to display a poster or present at a showcase session at the Health and Care Research Wales conference on 25 October. We welcome all submissions, but would be particularly pleased to see submissions that address the conference theme of ‘future proofing research’. Further details and submission form
Public Involvement Achievement Award 2018
Deadline for entries: 12:00 on 21 September 2018
The Public Involvement Achievement Award is designed to identify, promote, and celebrate the excellent public involvement taking place across the Health and Care Research Wales Infrastructure. Read more and enter.
NHS Cymru 70 Storyboard
20 July 2018
The Welsh Government have published a celebratory storyboard detailing the journey of the NHS so far, including a feature on the role of Health and Care Research Wales. View it here.
@ResearchWales magazine 2018
28 June 2018
The fourth issue of Health and Care Research Wales’ magazine, @ResearchWales is out now, featuring the latest health and social care research news from across Wales.
Featured stories include:
- The #TeamResearch campaign, bringing together exciting celebrations across Health and Care Research Wales as we mark the 70th anniversary of the NHS
- Health and Care Research Wales in numbers - a snapshot of achievements from the first three years
- A focus on public involvement across Health and Care Research Wales and the National Standards for Public Involvement
Professor Jon Bisson, director of Health and Care Research Wales, said:
“This issue has a celebratory focus as we mark Health and Care Research Wales’ third birthday. I’m delighted to see some of the achievements from our first three years highlighted in this magazine.”
ADRe: comprehensive person centred care assessment of needs
22 June 2018
The Adverse Drug Reaction profile (ADRe), developed by Professor Sue Jordan, a PRIME Centre Wales faculty member, has recently been highlighted in a Senedd report as a best practice tool with which care homes can highlight and prevent the over use of antipsychotics.
In both observational research and a clinical trial, ADRe has been shown to reduce prescriptions of antipsychotics and sedatives. More information on ADRe is available from Swansea University and you can also download the Senedd report.
A Healthier Wales
11 June 2018
Health and Social Services Secretary, Vaughan Gething, has outlined major changes to the way NHS and social care is organised in the future, bringing more care closer to home, with less reliance on hospitals.
The proposals are set out in the Welsh Government’s long-term plan for the future of health and social care in Wales, A Healthier Wales, which focuses on providing more joined-up services, in community settings - removing many of the current frustrations expressed by those both using and working within the system.
Commenting on the plan, Professor Jon Bisson, Director of Health and Care Research Wales, said: “It is great to see research and development included as a key element of the Long Term Plan. This highlights the vital role research has to play in improving health and social care services in Wales.” Read the story or download the plan
Patient safety in palliative care
6 June 2018
Researchers have identified for the first time the extent of healthcare related harm experienced by patients receiving palliative care across the NHS.
Their in-depth analysis of 475 serious incidents reported to a central NHS database over a twelve-year period (2002-2014) reveals multiple risks for patients receiving palliative and end-of-life care.
The health and wellbeing of people with progressive, irreversible and life-limiting illnesses is known to be fragile. This latest study has found deficiencies in patients’ care leading to worsened symptoms from their disease, and disruption to both their care and their experience of dying. Read more
Can social prescribing help improve health in Wales?
9 May 2018
Meetings are being held across Wales to develop a project that will look at whether ‘social prescribing’ (SP) can be used to improve the nation’s health.
The Wales Social Prescribing Research Network (WSPRN) has been set-up to look at whether SP can be developed to have a bigger impact on communities across the country.
Social prescribing is a way of meeting the social, emotional and practical needs of people through services in the voluntary and community sector, rather than relying on health and social care services to provide a solution.
The project is being led by Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA), the national membership organisation for the third sector in Wales, and Dr Carolyn Wallace, Lead for the social care research theme in PRIME and Reader in Integrated Care at the University of South Wales (USW). Read more
15th Wonca World Rural Health Conference in Delhi
2 May 2018
Dr John Wynn-Jones, chair of RuralWonca and member of the PRIME Centre Wales Executive Management Board chaired the 15th Wonca World Rural Conference held in Delhi, 26-29 April 2018. The conference attracted delegates from around the world and offered a multi disciplinary forum of students, trainees, professionals and practitioners from all background with an interest in rural health and primary healthcare.
The theme of this year's conference was 'Healing the heart of healthcare: leaving no one behind' bringing focus on challenges of rural health system development where rural habitat poses a severe disadvantage to rural population in terms of access to healthcare services.
The government of India were very supportive of the conference and the timing was excellent as the prime minister of India has just announced the creation of 150,000 Wellness Centres across India to be led by graduate nurse in Public health and primary care. DrJohn Wynn-Jones is pictured opposite with Dr Raman Kumar (President of the Academy of Family Physician of India, together with the Health Minister and the Vice President (in white).
As part of the conference, delegates were asked to contribute to the new Alma Ata Declaration to mark the 40th anniversary for Alma Ata and as a result produced the Delhi Declaration which gives a rural perspective and is both relevant to low and middle income countries as well as OECD countries such as the UK.
Joyce Kenkre, Professor of Primary Care at University of South Wales and lead for research in long term conditions and co-morbidity at PRIME also attended the conference, co-leading a number of workshops including 'Practical skills workshop on training GPs in responding to family violence, focusing on a rural context', 'Clinical research in rural practice - overcoming the challenges' and 'The development through consensus of research priorities for rural health and wellbeing.
Find out more about the conference at: www.wrhc2018.com/
New NIHR guidance on co-producing a research project
April 2018
Co-producing a research project is an approach in which researchers, practitioners and the public work together, sharing power and responsibility from the start to the end of the project, including the generation of knowledge. This guidance is a first step in moving towards clarity about what is meant by co-producing.
Presentation from WONCA at UN Commission on Status of Women
Investing in rural health workers for the economic participation and empowerment of rural women and girls
March 2018
The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. A functional commission of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
The CSW is instrumental in promoting women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives throughout the world, and shaping global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women.
At the Commission's recent meeting held 13th March 2018, Dr Mayara Floss, member of WONCA Rural Seeds junior doctor network, spoke on: 'Investing in rural health workers for the economic participation and empowerment of rural women and girls'. The presentation is available to view here.
FoNS News: Teaching Care Homes, Inspiring and Impacting
18 April 2018
FoNS Blog
This week’s blog is by Theresa Shaw and Kate Sanders and is entitled: Teaching Care Homes - Inspiring and Impacting. Read more ...
FoNS and students
We are delighted to be attending the Pan London Student conference today. FoNS recognises the value and input that students bring, their fresh perspectives and that its vital that they are enabled help develop practice.
You might be interested in:
A case study exploring the experience of resilience-based clinical supervision and its influence on care towards self and others among student nurses by Gemma Stacey, Aimee Aubeeluck, Grace Cook and Snigdha Dutta
How a newly developed intervention - Resilience-Based Clinical Supervision (RBCS) has enhanced the resilience based competencies of pre-registered nursing students.
The European Junior Leadership Academy
The EJLA is a 12 month programme aimed at identifying and developing some of Europe's most promising student nurse and midwife leaders.
Other News
Windrush 70 Awards: Celebrating the contributions of Black and minority ethnic people to the NHS
The Windrush 70 awards celebrate the contributions of BME people to the NHS, from the Windrush generation of 1948, the south Asian arrivals in the 1960s and 70s, to today’s 202 nationalities represented in the workforce. Nominations will close on Friday 27 April. Who could you nominate? Visit the website for more information.
New Chair of Trustees Appointment
The Foundation of Nursing Studies is looking for a new Chair, with a track record of achievement in nursing, health/social care and/or business to lead the board of trustees, working in partnership with Dr Theresa Shaw, the chief executive, on achieving FoNS’ vision and mission for the future. The post is a non-remunerated but reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed. The role requires approximately 15 days’ work per year.
Visit the website for more information. Closing date 4th June 2018
Developing person-centred, safe and effective cultures through practice development
23-27 July 2018
Places are filling for our highly rated, value-for-money residential school, so if you are interested, we suggest you register straight away via the website.
What do previous participants say?
- A happier, more productive workforce who provide consistently high standards of care
- I have become more assertive with my colleagues, discussing and challenging the rationale behind practices
- I’ve grown and increased my confidence and job satisfaction
- I recognise that I needed to listen to others more and how important it is for people to feel valued and included in order to make a difference
- The biggest success is supporting a ‘failing’ ward to take ownership and be responsible for and to lead changes in practice and its development for themselves.
Workplace culture
Just a reminder about the FoNS animation: ‘Creating Caring Cultures in Health and Social Care: Getting Started’ and free resources. This animation and resources will help you to take concrete steps towards working at a culture level, there are activities you can try in the workplace (any workplace):
- Looking at what’s happening in practice
- Exploring what staff believe and what’s important to them
- Learning from practice
- Developing action plans
Special issue of Journal of Research in Nursing
Caught this on Twitter: an online special collection of papers, which comprises previously published papers and reviews that give a taste of the constellation of issues that contribute to having 'enough nurses'.
PRIME E-News Bulletin Winter/Spring
The PRIME Centre Wales e-news bulletin Winter/Spring 2018 is out now - view it here.
Sign up to receive quarterly mailings here.
FoNS News: Connections and leadership
04 April 2018
New Chair of Trustees Appointment
The Foundation of Nursing Studies (FoNS) is looking for a new Chair to lead the charity’s board of trustees. As an independent organisation FoNS has a privileged role in enabling nurses to provide care for patients that is compassionate, safe, knowledge-based and timely. In the three decades since its formation, FoNS has developed an excellent reputation for its unique approach to supporting nurses across the UK to lead innovation in the workplace that transforms the way nurses work and care for patients.
FoNS is seeking an individual with a track record of achievement in nursing, health/social care and/or business to lead the board of trustees in fulfilling its responsibilities for the governance of the organisation and to work in partnership with Dr Theresa Shaw, the chief executive, on achieving FoNS’ vision and mission for the future.
The post is a non-remunerated but reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed. The role requires approximately 15 days’ work per year.
Click here for more information about the work of FoNS and here for a full job description, person specification and how to apply.
To arrange to talk to Theresa Shaw, CEO, please call Debbie Warren, Communication and Administration Officer (020 7307 2857) or email debbie.warren@fons.org
Closing date for applications is Monday 4th June 2018
Interviews will be held at FoNS Offices in July, date to be confirmed
The Richard Tompkins Nurse Development Scholarship
The closing date for applications is today 4th April at 5pm (BST) DON’T MISS IT!
Visit the scholarship pages for more information.
Developing person-centred, safe and effective cultures through practice development
A residential school, 23-27 July 2018
- Highly rated
- Unique location and learning experience
- Develop own practice and that of others
- Ideal for health and social care professionals – nurses, therapists and anyone with responsibility for practice development and quality improvement
Places are filling, so don’t miss out. Visit the website for more information.
FoNS Blog
This week Jo Odell introduces the new Inspire Improvement Fellows and two of them talk about their learning so far. Read more …
Other News
Florence Nightingale Foundation Conference: Call for abstracts for posters
Closing date 16th April, visit the website for more information.
2018 HSJ Awards: Now open for entries
The awards ceremony takes place on 21st November. Visit the website for more information and details of the six new categories. Deadline 31st May.
To look at previous weekly news from FoNS, click on the link: https://www.fons.org/common-room/news
Wales - World Leading on Investment for Health and Well-Being
28 March 2018
The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated Public Health Wales’ Policy, Research and International Development Directorate as a WHO Collaborating Centre on ‘Investment for Health and Well-being’.
The designation recognises Public Health Wales as a world leading authority on supporting investment in people’s health and well-being, driving sustainable development and promoting prosperity for all.
New national standards launched across the UK to improve public involvement in research
22 March 2018
A set of national standards were launched this week at the 2018 Patients First conference and at the Involving People Network Annual Meeting 2018.
The standards were developed over 18 months by a UK wide partnership which brought together members of the public with representatives from the National Institute for Health Research (England), the Chief Scientist Office (Scotland), Health and Care Research Wales and the Public Health Agency (Northern Ireland), working with an independent expert. Full story
The 8th EURIPA Rural Health Forum - Call for abstracts
The 8th EURIPA Rural Health Forumwill be held in Maale Hachamisha, Israel between 14 - 16 November 2018. The theme for this year’s Forum is
“The challenge of the vulnerable and ageing population in rural medicine”
and will focus on the importance of delivering quality medical care in remote locations to the old, incapacitated and deprived.
The abstract submission is now been open and this can be done directly from the website, closing 16th September: www.euripaforum2018.eu
Presentation from WONCA at UN Commission on Status of Women
Investing in rural health workers for the economic participation and empowerment of rural women and girls
The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. A functional commission of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
The CSW is instrumental in promoting women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives throughout the world, and shaping global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women.
At the Commission's recent meeting held 13th March 2018, Dr Mayara Floss, member of WONCA Rural Seeds junior doctor newtork, spoke on: 'Investing in rural health workers for the economic participation and empowerment of rural women and girls'. The presentation is available to view here.
QNI Annual Conference 2018 - Healthcare in the Community
From Silence to Voice
The Royal College of General Practitioners, London
Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th September 2018
Day 1: Improving Care – Finding your voice
Day 2: Community & Primary Care – Articulating your value
Booking for the QNI's seventh annual two day conference in London is open.
This is a unique opportunity to discuss the future of nursing in the community, to influence healthcare policy and develop real solutions to current challenges. It is also an excellent opportunity to network with colleagues.
The agenda will be available shortly.
To book your place:
The conference is being organised by the QNI to keep delegate rates as low as possible. The early bird rate is £170 (per day) including lunch and all refreshments, if booked before Tuesday 1st May 2018.
After the 1st May the delegate rate will be £195.
Booking via Eventbrite
If you would like to book a place for this exciting event please visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/qni-annual-conference-2018-tickets-42789447389 - you will have the option to book day 1 or 2 or both days through the Eventbrite link, please ensure you scroll down and select the right rate.
Booking via invoicing
If you are unable to pay online, there is an option of requesting an invoice to be sent out to your employing organisation. For more information please email events@qni.org.uk
PRIME Centre Wales e-News Bulletin Winter/Spring 2018
26 February 2018
The PRIME Centre Wales e-New Bulletin is available to view here.
£100m plan to transform health and social services in Wales
6 February 2018
Health and Social Services Secretary Vaughan Gething has outlined how a new £100m fund will transform the way health and social services are delivered in Wales. The £100m Fund, announced as part of the budget, will help to deliver the recommendations of the Parliamentary Review of Health and Social Care, published last month.
CNO ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2018 - Call for Papers Now Open
Call for Papers for the CNO Conference 2018 is now open. Taking place on 23rd May 2018, the CNO conference is looking for abstract submissions for oral and poster presentation at the conference.
More information on abstract topics and guidance, please see The Call for Papers Flyer which can be accessed HERE
To submit an abstract, please visit CNO Conference 2018 Event Home Page.
Full instructions on how to submit your abstract can be found HERE
The closing date for receipt of abstracts is 1st March 2018.
MRes Studentship : Machine Learning in 3D Wound Care
University of South Wales KESS MRes Studentship USW MINI 21099
Here is an exciting opportunity to apply computerised machine-learning technology to improve the automated clinical assessment of chronic skin wounds and ulcers. This could lead to entirely new approaches in wound diagnosis, management and wound care treatment.
This is a funded MRes, including a generous stipend and tuition fees, with well-resourced circumstances for a successful scholarship. The selected candidate will apply their research and interpersonal skills and ambition to conduct applied research with the University of South Wales and GPC Ltd.
This research project will allow the student to develop transferable knowledge and skills in this most exciting and active field of applied health and wound care research.
Deadline for applications: 4th March 2018
Further information: http://gro.southwales.ac.uk/media/files/documents/2018-02-02/21099_-___FINAL_KESS_Advert_MRes_2018.pdf
MRes Studentship: An exploration of compassionate care from the perspectives of older people, carers and service providers
University of South Wales KESS MRes Studentship USW MINI 21087
An exploration of compassionate care from the perspectives of older people, carers and service providers Here is an exciting opportunity to conduct a multi-phase, mixed-method study, which could lead to entirely new approaches in future care delivery via gaining a better understanding of the concept of compassionate care for older people across the health and social care sector.
This is a funded MRes, including a generous stipend and tuition fees, with well-resourced circumstances for a successful scholarship.
The selected candidate will apply their research and interpersonal skills and ambition to conduct applied research with the University of South Wales and Torfaen County Borough Council. This research project will allow the student to develop transferable knowledge and skills in this most exciting and active field of applied health and social science research.
Closing date for applications: 25th February 2018
Further information: http://gro.southwales.ac.uk/media/files/documents/2018-02-05/21087_KESS_advert_.pdf
Nurses, Doctors and Pharmacists asked for views on medicines management
Medicines management, medicines monitoring and medication safety are important aspects of healthcare. To inform the future direction of policy, practice and research Swansea University is joining with the University of Antwerp to collate information from 16 European countries.
Take the survey here
EUPRON: The role of Nurses in interprofessional pharmaceutical care in Europe
Wales is contributing as a country to the European survey of medicines management at: http://bit.ly/2mo3Tkg
We’d be very grateful if all practising nurses, doctors and pharmacists could take 5-10 minutes for this and pass to all contacts.
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Rethinking Remote 2018 - Announcement of Conference and Call for Abstracts 24 - 25 May 2018 Eden Court, Inverness
Rethinking Remote - Innovative Solutions in Remote and Rural Communities Healthcare
International Conference being held on Thursday 24th - Friday 25th May 2018
Eden Court, Bishops Road, Inverness IV3 5SA
The Scottish Rural Health Partnership, based in the Highlands of Scotland seeks to foster thoughts and ideas sharing to find solutions to the many challenges of providing health care to remote and rural communities worldwide. Our wide network of national and international colleagues with involvement in remote and rural healthcare includes partners and stakeholders from academia, healthcare education, health and social care providers, the Armed Forces and Industry.
This year's conference is building on the success of the inaugural meeting of 2016 and has five principal themes relevant to remote healthcare - Emergency Management and Pre-hospital Care; Education and Professional Support; Community Engagement; Technology (including drones, robots, satellites and remote diagnosis and communication); Community Care (including physical and mental health and wellbeing).
The Rethinking Remote 2018 Conference will be having a poster session and four free papers sessions which will include 4 oral presentations in each session showcasing innovative work around the five themes of the conference. We will be inviting submissions which are examples of research, service development, an international perspective, multi-agency working. All abstracts that are accepted will entitle the author to register to the conference at the Early Bird discounted rate.
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION will commence end January - 1 March 2018
Further information: https://www.cvent.com/c/abstracts/b5e377d0-b45b-448f-aea5-8aa3e8c4445c
MRes Studentship Opportunity
University of South Wales KESS MRes Studentship USW MINI 21087
Project Title: An exploration of compassionate care from the perspectives of older people, carers and service providers
Here is an exciting opportunity to conduct a multi-phase, mixed-method study, which could lead to entirely new approaches in future care delivery via gaining a better understanding of the concept of compassionate care for older people across the health and social care sector.
This is a funded MRes, including a generous stipend and tuition fees, with well-resourced circumstances for a successful scholarship.
The selected candidate will apply their research and interpersonal skills and ambition to conduct applied research with the University of South Wales and Torfaen County Borough Council. This research project will allow the student to develop transferable knowledge and skills in this most exciting and active field of applied health and social science research.
This Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarship (KESS) project will be held in the Faculty of Life Sciences and Education at the University of South Wales. KESS is a programme funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) awarded by the Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) in the Welsh Government. The MRes will be associated with Torfaen County Borough Council. The project will focus on an innovative research area by exploring the concept of compassionate care from the perspectives of older people, carers and service providers. The outcomes of this research will have the potential to improve future care delivery for older people and beyond.
Closing date for applications: 18th February 2018
Further information: http://gro.southwales.ac.uk/media/files/documents/2018-01-18/v4_17.01.18_21087_KESS_advert_Juping_Yu.pdf
Queen's Nurse applications open
Applications for the Queen’s Nurse title are now open.
To be eligible to apply for the Queen’s Nurse title, you must:
- be a community nurse
- be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council
- have at least FIVE years community nursing or health visiting experience
- be known to your manager for a period of at least one year
- work in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands.
Completed applications must be received by 28 February 2018.
Further information: https://www.qni.org.uk/nursing-in-the-community/queens-nurses/apply-become-queens-nurse/
FoNS News: Last chance to book and thoughts for the new year
17 January 2018
Last chance to book…
Creating Caring Cultures, Masterclass
Whether NHS, social care or private, this masterclass will provide you with tools, resources and understanding to create a better workplace culture, which is even more important with the current difficulties in recruitment and retention of nurses. Don’t miss out – discounts are available via the FoNS website.
FoNS Blog
In this blog, Carolyn Cleveland Founder and Managing Director, C&C Empathy Training, talks about the importance of honesty and empathy in leadership.
Read more …
Now that the new year is here, you might be turning your thoughts towards your revalidation. While the consensus is that it’s much easier to do than many people anticipated, our helpful animation can guide you through the process. And there are handy activities you can do as part of your on-going professional development. Visit the website.
Report on FoNS website – don’t miss this one!
Life Stories for Wellbeing at Garden House Hospice. Essential reading. This feedback from those that took part speaks for itself.
Even with the sadness everyone has gone through, and a lot of sadness to come, [these sessions] are very helpful because I remember things that gave me joy.
I like the diversity of people. The props are really good, they get your brain going. I'm enjoying it. It's good in terms of our lives at the moment when we spend so much time being asked how we are, how's our condition, how's the medication - this takes you away from all that. It takes you back to who you are.
MRes Studentship Opportunity
An evaluation of peer support groups delivering interventions and support to reduce loneliness and improve social connections for older persons living in retirement housing
Here is an exciting opportunity to conduct a study in a stimulating area of research i.e. loneliness and older age which could lead to entirely new approaches in understanding the impact that lonelienss can have on the mental well-being of older people and identify what interventions can be effective in reducing its negative impact through increasing access to meaningful activities and improved social connections.
This is a funded MRes, including a generous stipend and tuition fees, with well-resourced circumstances for a successful scholarship.
The selected candidate will apply their research and interpersonal skills and ambition to conduct applied research with the University of South Wales and a leading Mental Health Charity. This applied research project, will allow the student to develop transferable knowledge and skills in this most exciting and active field of mental health and older persons research.
This Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarship (KESS) project will be held in the Faculty Life Sciences and Education at the University of South Wales. KESS is a programme funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) awarded by the Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) in the Welsh Government. The MRes will be associated with the Mental Health Foundation. The project will focus on evaluating interventions such as engagement in meaningful activities delivered within peer support groups run by trained volunteers to older persons living in retirement accommodation e.g. with a housing provider or in a residential care home. The impact of these findings could potentially improve the mental well-being of older people thus, improving their quality of life in their older age. The project is backed by the Mental Health Foundation.
Closing date for applications: 16th February 2018
Further information: http://gro.southwales.ac.uk/media/files/documents/2018-01-18/21103_KESS_2_advert_MRes_October_2018_v5.pdf
Social care training needs analysis: findings announced
17 January 2018
Health and Care Research Wales recently invited people interested in social care research to complete an online training needs analysis.
There was a wide-ranging response from those engaged in social care research, in practice, in learning and development, and other related sectors. Read about the results
Call for Submissions - Addressing Gender Inequities in the Health and Social Workforce
Global Health Workforce Network Gender Equity Hub
15 January 2018
Seven out of ten health and social workers1 are women and unpaid care work represents half of women’s contribution to global wealth. Resilient health systems and universal health coverage cannot be progressed without consideration of the gendered aspects of the workforce. Without this consideration we will not be able to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Addressing gender biases and inequities in the health and social workforce is not only essential to achieving SDG 3 (health and well-being), but also SDG 4 (quality education), SDG 5 (gender equality) and SDG 8 (decent work and inclusive economic growth).
This call for submissions is the crowd-sourced component of a mapping exercise that is being undertaken by the Hub to identify key stakeholders and map existing initiatives, published and gray literature and programmes of relevance, including intersectorial opportunities to progress this agenda. The global mapping exercise will bring together the evidence and know-how to inform the Terms of Reference and work plan of the Hub.
Individuals, groups, organizations and countries are invited to contribute to this call. Submissions from outside the health and social sectors are also greatly welcomed.
Further information: http://www.who.int/hrh/news/2017/call4submission-address-gender-inequities/en/
RCNi Awards - Open to entries
The RCNi Nurse Awards are the profession's top accolade for nursing excellence. By entering the awards you can:
Share your initiative with the wider nursing community
Raise the profile of your specialty
- Gain national recognition
- Influence nursing practice on a larger scale
The awards are open to nurses, midwives and health visitors registered to practice in the UK whose primary employment is nursing, student nurses and individuals working in a healthcare support role such as healthcare assistants and assistant practitioners.
Eligibility to enter depends on which category you wish to enter, so make sure you read the category criteria carefully before submitting your entry.
Entries must be submitted by Friday 9th February 2018.
Further information and enter
WONCA guidance on rural primary care and mental health for family doctors
10 January 2018
WONCA have made available guidance helpful documents on rural primary care and mental health.
WONCA is determined to reduce the impact of depression on our patients’ lives. Family doctors around the world have a central role to play in ensuring that patients receive the care they need and deserve. To help family doctors manage the first, crucial consultation with patients who may be depressed, we have created an evidence-based guide.
- WONCA Evidence-based first consultation for depression.
http://www.globalfamilydoctor.com/News/MentalHealthMatters-WorldFamilyDoctorDay2017HighlightingDep.aspx - WONCA guidance on physical health care for patients with severe mental illness: http://www.globalfamilydoctor.com/groups/WorkingParties/MentalHealth3/SMI.aspx
- WONCA guidance on non-drug interventions for common mental health problems. http://www.globalfamilydoctor.com/site/DefaultSite/filesystem/documents/Groups/Mental%20Health/WPMH%20role%20of%20FPs%20in%20non%20drug%20interventions.pdf
PhD Studentship in Population Medicine - Open to applications
Please see below for details of a new PhD studentship based at Cardiff University School of Medicine open to applications:
Project title: Factors influencing engagement with emerging technology in colorectal cancer screening and prevention
Supervisors: Dr Sunil Dolwani, Dr Kate Brain, Dr Kate Lifford
Closing date for applications: 28 Feb 2018
Study start date: October 2018
There is an exciting opportunity to apply for a PhD studentship in Population Medicine. The PhD project will examine factors influencing engagement with emerging technology in colorectal cancer screening and prevention.
The aims of the PhD project are to assess whether:
- there are individual characteristics that may be related to preferences for alternative screening strategies,
- the application of new technology in those who are currently eligible for screening would be acceptable and influence screening uptake, and
- risk information might influence participants’ willingness to participate in screening and/or modify their behaviour.
This project may be suitable for a final year undergraduate student, graduate or masters student with a background an appropriate area of biomedical and life sciences e.g. psychology, social sciences, epidemiology, medicine, biomedical sciences, biological sciences.
A full project description, entry requirements and application details can be found here: https://www.findaphd.com/search/projectdetails.aspx?PJID=93293
James Lind Alliance - broken bones in older people Priority Setting Partnership
17 November 2017
The broken bones in older people Priority Setting Partnership brings together all those involved and affected by broken bones in the leg to prioritise ongoing research needs.
They are asking patients, their relatives and healthcare professionals for the questions they want answered by research.
EURIPA Chronic Care Model - Survey completion request for primary care professionals
12 November 2017
In the process of developing primary healthcare in accordance with the principles of a Chronic Care Model (CCM), there is a need to estimate individual biopsychosocial needs of patients, which may help determine the management of patient care. It is noted that this needs assessment is a variable with impact on life quality rather than clinical or sociodemographic factors, as it is also associated with the level of care provided, the status of health, quality of life and medical costs.
Most importantly, one of the methods to measure equal access to health care for the chronically ill is the assessment of the reports of unmet health needs for any reason. Prevalence of unmet needs vary from 2.6% to 34.6% among those over 65 years old with a disability (Newcomer et al. 2005). In Europe it was found that the unmet needs of Europeans aged 50 years and more are the result of lack of care, poor access to healthcare services and the high costs of healthcare (OECD 2012).
The purpose of this questionnaire is to explore the possibility of EURIPA undertaking a future European project on a CCM with a focus on the needs of stakeholders (patients, caregivers, PC professionals) in rural areas. The results will be presented during the EURIPA workshop within WONCA Europe Conference 2017 in Prague: Chronic Care – exploring the needs of patients, caregivers and primary care professionals from rural settings
Please complete the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7FQT7ZN
Rural and Remote Health - new website available
11 November 2017
A new website has been launched for Rural and Remote Health, the international, electronic journal of rural and remote health education, practice and policy.
Visit the website at: https://rrh.org.au/
Importance of health and social care research in Wales underlined with new funding commitment
10 November 2017
The importance of health and social care research in Wales has been underlined with a major funding commitment.
Funding for all elements of the Health and Care Research Wales infrastructure has been renewed for a further two years, which will support the important work of the organisation’s Centres, Units, Infrastructure Support Groups and Clinical Trials Units. Read more
![](resources/2018 Annual NHS R&D Forum.png?timestamp=1516374392068)
2018 Annual NHS R&D Forum: Call for abstracts now open
Date: 14 - 15 May 2018
Venue: Celtic Manor, Newport
Abstracts will be reviewed by the Programme Content Committee. Those accepted for an oral presentation will be grouped to create sessions with two to three speakers.
Posters accepted for display will be shown for the two days of the Annual Forum in the Poster Zone sponsored by the Research Quality Association (RQA).
Health and Care Research Wales is the event partner for the 2018 Annual NHS R&D Forum.
Deadline for presentation abstracts: 1 December 2017
Deadline for poster abstracts: 9 January 2018
Professor Joyce Kenkre helps set primary care priorities for Europe
6 November 2017
Professor Joyce Kenkre, Professor of Primary Care at University of South Wales and Associate Director of PRIME Centre Walesappeared at the seventh European Rural Isolated Practitioners Association (EURIPA) health forum in Crete recently to help set the priorities for research.
EURIPA is a representative network organisation founded by family doctors to address the health and wellbeing needs of rural communities and the professional need of those serving them across Europe.
Joyce led a workshop to set the priorities for research and put in place a process for research collaboration across Europe, with 20 countries represented at the forum.
Professor Kenkre is pictured opposite with with the Greek minister for Health Dr. Andreas Xanthos and Professor Christos Lionis of the University of Crete.
How Wales is reaching out to the international life sciences industry
27 October 2017
Health and Care Research Wales has produced a new brochure in order to promote the nation to life sciences companies from across the globe as the ideal place to undertake research.
The Research in Wales brochure highlights the clinical expertise and excellent basis for research and innovation within the Welsh NHS and its potential to play a significant role in creating better therapies and technologies. Read the full story and download the brochure
Health and Care Research Wales annual report highlights positive work from across infrastructure
18 October 2017
Cutting edge and influential research from across the Health and Care Research Wales infrastructure has been featured in the organisation’s newly-released annual report.
The 40-page report, which is available in English and Welsh, also highlights some of the innovative studies being undertaken and showcases how public involvement and engagement is central to health and social care research in Wales. Read more and access the report
New guidance set to improve access to research
16 October 2017
Through a number of key stakeholders, including Health and Care Research Wales and the National Mental Capacity Forum, Welsh Government has developed ‘Research and Impaired Mental Capacity in Adults.’ This downloadable publication is an easy-to-read guide for researchers who seek to engage in health and social care studies.
The guidance underpins all principles of the Mental Capacity Act, a key piece of legislation in England and Wales which aims to empower, protect and support people with impaired or fluctuating mental capacity and sets out the responsibilities of professionals, families and wider society. Read more and download
Huw Williams at Annual Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Conference 2017
10 October 2017
Dr Huw Williams, Clinical Research Fellow at Cardiff University presented findings from 'Sub-optimal care for patients in the out of hours primary care setting at the end of life: A mixed methods study' at the Marie Curie annual Palliative Care Research Conference with the Palliative Care Section of the Royal Society of Medicine, held 6th October.
The abstract has been published in BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care:
Williams H, Noble S, Kenkre J, et al. 2 Sub-optimal care for patients in the out of hours primary care setting at the end of life: a mixed methods study. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 2017;7:A347-A348.
The meeting was an opportunity to learn more about the people who support those at the end of life and their families, carers and communities #Peoplewhocare. Read more about the day here