Research publications, project reports and theses.
Lugg-Widger FV, Cannings-John R, Channon S, Hood K, Jones K, Kemp A, Kenkre J, McEwan K, Moody G, Owen-Jones E, Sanders J, Segrott J, Robling M. Assessing the medium-term impact of a home-visiting programme on child maltreatment in England: protocol for a routine data linkage study. BMJ Open 2017;7:e015728. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015728
Lugg-Widger FV, Cannings-John R, Channon S, Hood K, Jones K, Kemp A, Kenkre J, McEwan K, Moody G, Owen-Jones E, Sanders J, Segrott J, Robling M. Assessing the medium-term impact of a home-visiting programme on child maltreatment in England: protocol for a routine data linkage study. BMJ Open 2017;7:e015728. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015728
Wallace CA, Pontin D, Dokova K, Mikkonen I, Savage E, Koskinen L. Developing and Translating a New Model for Teaching Empowerment Into Routine Chronic Care Management: An International Patient-Centered Project. Journal of Patient Experience 1-9, 2017 DOI: 10.1177/2374373517721516 Online first
Davies F, Wood F, Bullock A, Wallace C, Edwards A. Interventions to improve the self-management support health professionals provide for people with progressive neurological conditions: Protocol for a realist synthesis. BMJ Open 2017 Mar 20;7(3):e014575. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014575
Richardson M, Jones O, Wallace C, Williams S. Universities and third sector working in partnership to co-deliver accredited, community mental health training. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, Volume 19, Number 1, January 2017, pp. 77-94(18)
Davies JH, Richards J, Conway K, Kenkre JE, Lewis JE, Mark Williams E. Primary care screening for peripheral arterial disease: a cross-sectional observational study. The British Journal of General Practice. 2017;67(655):e103-e110. doi:10.3399/bjgp17X689137
Brownbill P. Quality of Life and the Role of the Communal Space in Sheltered Housing: A Qualitative Study. The International Journal of Aging and Society 2016: Vol 7 (3):9-17.
Alastal HN, Nemeth K, Rashid M, Kenkre J, Rasheed A. PTU-148 Endoscopic Surveillance in Dysplastic Barrett’s Oesophagus (BO). Gut 06/2016; 65(Suppl 1). DOI:10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312388.233
Thomas S, Wallace C, Jarvis P, Davis R. Mixed-methods study to develop a patient complexity assessment instrument for district nurses. Nurse Res. 2016 Mar;23(4):9-13. doi: 10.7748/nr.23.4.9.s3
Haggman H, Kenkre J, Wallace C. Occupational health for humanitarian aid workers in an Ebola outbreak. Journal of Research in Nursing February 2016 vol. 21 no. 1 22-36
Fong Y, Evans J, Brook D, Kenkre J, Jarvis P, Gower Thomas K. The Nottingham Prognostic Index: five and ten year data for all cause survival within a screened population. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2015; Vol 97, No 2: 137-139.
Brown A, Jordan S. (2014) Active Management of the Third Stage of Labor May Reduce
Breastfeeding Duration Due to Pain and Physical Complications. Breastfeed Med.
2014 Volume 9, Number 10, 2014 Oct 27. [Epub ahead of print]
Charlton RA, Jordan S, Pierini A, Garne E, Neville AJ, Hansen AV, Gini R, Thayer D, Tingay K, Puccini A, Bos HJ, Nybo Andersen AM, Sinclair M, Dolk H, de Jong-van den Berg LTW (2014) SSRI use before, during and after pregnancy: a population-based study in 6 European regions. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.13143 e pub ahead of print 28.10.14
Gabe ME, Murphy F, Davies GA, Russell IT, Jordan S (2014) Medication Monitoring in a Nurse-Led Respiratory Outpatient Clinic: Pragmatic Randomised
Trial of the West Wales Adverse Drug Reaction Profile. PLoS ONE 9(5): e96682. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096682
Jordan S, Gabe M, Newson L, et al., “Medication Monitoring for People with Dementia in Care Homes: The Feasibility and Clinical Impact of Nurse-Led Monitoring,” The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 843621, 11 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/843621
Charlton RA, Jordan S, Pierini A, Garne E, Neville AJ, Hansen AV, Gini R, Thayer D, Tingay K, Puccini A, Bos HJ, Nybo Andersen AM, Sinclair M, Dolk H, de Jong-van den Berg LTW. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor prescribing before, during and after pregnancy: a population-based study in six European regions. BJOG 2014; DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.13143.
Gabe ME, Jordan SE. Development and clinical gains of nurse-led medication monitoring profiles. J Nurs Manag. 2014 Apr;22(3):331-49. doi: 10.1111/jonm.12067. Epub 2013 May 23.
Jordan S, Kyriacos U. Medicines' management: a public health problem on nursing's agenda. J Nurs Manag. 2014 Apr;22(3):271-5. doi: 10.1111/jonm.12238.
Kenkre J, Wallace C, Davies R, Bale S, Thomas S. Developing and Implementing the Community Nursing Research Strategy for Wales. British Journal of Community Nursing, Vol. 18, Iss. 11, 01 Nov 2013, pp 561 - 566
Griffin, Jackie. Improving outcomes through innovation: An evaluation of Accel-Heal(R) in chronic wounds. Wounds U K 9.4 (November 2013): 118-121.
Hutchinson, A.; Lovell, A. Participatory action research: moving beyond the mental health 'service user' identity. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 2013 Sep; 20 (7): 641-9.
Bianchi, Janice; Mahoney, Kirsty; Nugent, Lisa; Keen, Delia. A fresh way to treat venous leg ulcers with measured compression. British Journal of Community Nursing, 2013 Jun: Supplement 2: S34-40.
Keen, Delia Catherine; Fletcher, Jacqui. Action research: Preventing pressure ulcers in a community hospital in Wales. Wounds U K 9.4 (November 2013): 38-47.
Barber K, Wallace C, (2012) “Happily independent” – configuring the Gwent frailty support and wellbeing worker. Journal of Integrated Care 20 (5) 308-322
Jones G, Wallace C, Kenkre J, Khanna P, Prosser M, (2012) Pilot study protocol: Developing a frailty index- An investigation to define the physiological, cognitive and social factors associated with pre-frail and frail people. GSTF Journal of BioSciences. 2(1) 98-103
Wallace C, (April 2011) 'An exploration of health and social care service integration in a deprived South Wales area'. PhD thesis. Generations Review
Hughes, Sarah Michelle. Management of dysphagia in stroke patients. Nursing Older People, 2011 Apr; 23 (3): 21-4. (33 ref)
Roberts, N. & Moule, P. (2010) Chlorhexidine and Tooth-brushing as prevention strategies in reducing ventilator-associated pneumonia rates. Journal of Nursing Critical Care, 16, 6: 295–302
Young T. Moffatt C. McInnes A. Stephen-Haynes; J. Griffin J. Fawkes M.R. Clark M. Dispelling the myths of Lindsay Leg Clubs. Wounds UK. 6 (2) (pp 145-150), 2010. Date of Publication: June 2010.
Gethin, Lin. Leg Club update. Wounds UK. 6 (3) (pp 122), 2010. Date of Publication: September 2010.
Jones SA; Jarvis J; Powell P; Deaville J. Improving diabetes care for residents in care homes in a rural setting. Foundation of Nursing Studies: Developing Practice Improving Care Dissemination Series, 2010; 5 (8): 1-4.
Wolfenden J.; Dunn A.; Holmes A.; Davies C.; Buchan J. Track and trigger system for use in community hospitals. Nursing Standard, 2010 Jul 14-20; 24 (45): 35-9.
Richards, Julie. Supervision of midwives-making maternity user involvement a reality. The practising midwife. 13 (10) (pp 28-29), 2010. Date of Publication: Nov 2010.
Finlay, I.G. Snow, Veronica. Dynamic evaluation of all services to inform policy development. Palliative Medicine. Conference: EAPC 2010 Glasgow United Kingdom. Vol. 24 (4 SUPPL. 1) (pp S195), 2010.
Finlay I.; Snow, Veronica. Implementing 7 day working by clinical nurse specialists across rural and Urban Areas. Palliative Medicine. Conference: EAPC 2010 Glasgow United Kingdom. Vol.24 (4 SUPPL. 1) (pp S196-S197), 2010.
2009 and earlier
Griffin J. Monitoring pressure damage using Datix risk reporting system. Wounds UK. 5 (4) (pp 36-42), 2009
Keen, D.C. Should care homes adopt a static-led approach to pressure ulcer prevention?. British Journal of Nursing. 18(20):S4, S6, S8, passim, 2009 Nov 12-25.
De Kleijn, Antoinette. Health improvement through dietary management of type 2 diabetes. British Journal of Community Nursing. 13(8):378, 380-3, 2008 Aug.
Griffin, J. The use of POSiFECT E-stim wound therapy on a patient with diabetes with a mixed aetiology ulcer of 6 years duration. Wounds UK. 3 (3) (pp 84-85), 2007.
Richards, Julie; Williams, Lynne. More than a midwife? Supervision of extended roles. RCM Midwives. 10(6):274-5, 2007 Jun.
Stallard, Lavnia. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a non-pharmalogical approach. Nursing Older People, 2007 Jul; 19 (6): 32-7.
Scovell, C. Using audit to change practice for routine glucochecks. Nursing Times, 2006 Sep 26-Oct 2; 102 (39): 33-4.
Lewis, Marie. Working together to make a difference. RCM Midwives. 7(10):422-3, 2004 Oct.
Jordan S, Knight J, Pointon D. Monitoring adverse drug reactions: scales, profiles, and checklists. Int Nurs Rev. 2004 Dec;51(4):208-21.
Lewis, Marie. Membership services award: Powys district general hospital rotation. RCM Midwives (RCM MIDWIVES), 2003 Sep; 6 (9): 384-5.
Lewis, M. Women's issues. Is abortion due to handicap ethical? British Journal of Midwifery, 2003 Jul; 11 (7): 442-4.
Major, S. Dysfunctional teams: a health a resource warning. Nursing Management - UK (NURS MANAGE (LOND)), 2002 May; 9 (2): 25-8. (10 ref)
Readhead C.; Henderson R.; Hughes G; Nickless J. Accredited accommodation: An alternative to in-patient care in rural north Powys. Psychiatric Bulletin. 26 (7) (pp 264-265), 2002.
Jordan S. Managing adverse drug reactions: an orphan task. J Adv Nurs. 2002 Jun;38(5):437-48.
Thompson, S. A fragrant message. Learning Disability Practice (LEARN DISABIL PRACT), 2002 Jun; 5 (5): 15-7. (5 ref)
Weston R. When birth goes wrong. Practising Midwife, 2001 Sep; 4 (8): 10-2.
Jones, S. If you go down to A&E today... Teddy Bear Clinics. Nursing Times, 2000 Oct 26-Nov 1; 96 (43): 28-9.
Research publications and theses
Dates and previous minutes from the CNRS Board Meetings